FEMART 3th Edition
FEMART Festival, 3rd Edition 7th-12th October, 2015
The third edition of FemArt Festival was held from 7th to 12th October, 2015 in Prishtina, and the hosts of the activities were: Oda Theater, Faculty of Arts, Dodona Theater, National Theatre of Kosovo, EU Info Center.
FemArt as the only feminist festival in Kosovo and one of the largest festivals in the region during the six days offered theatre performances, slam poetry, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, and lots of other activities with a focus on topics about sexual violence during the war, violence in general, Reproductive health and sexuality, feminism in the country and the region, other issues that are taboo topics in Kosovo.
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Most of these activities were premiered in Kosovo and were all free of charge for the community.
Contents of the program of FemArt 2015: 6 theatre performances (5 of them – premiere), 1 video presentation, 5 exhibitions – premiere, 4 After Parties, 9 workshops, 1 meeting book author, 5 documentary films + 1 premiere, 5 panel discussions, 4 concerts, 1 scenic reading, 1 performance Poetry and Music – premiere.
During the six days of the festival, there were over 70 artists and activists (women and men) from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, USA, Georgia, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Zwitzerland, Italy, that were involved through their activities and projects.
The festival was attended by: 3,000 people.
From Our last edition
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Inside Kosovo’s feminist art festival
Exhibition followed by a concert “Muse”
Premiere, by Mjellma and Flaka Goranci from Kosovo/Austria
Theatrical performance “The Shivering of the Rose”
Premiere, by Dijana Milosevič and Maja Mitič from DAH Teatar, Serbia
After Party
Workshop “Physical Theatre”
By Deirde Morris and Kathryn Mark from USA
Theater Workshop
Led by Dijana Milosevič and Maja Mitič from DAH Teatar, Serbia
Workshop “Integrated Security”
By Yllka Soba
Panel discussion “Impact of Online Feminism”
With four panelists from Kosovo Elonë Kastrati, Shqipe Gjocaj, Rreze Abdullahu and Donjeta Morina, moderated by Lura Limani
Presentation of three short documentary films
“Smajl” by Zymryte Hoxhaj and Philipp Majer from Germany, “Where is Don?” by More Raça from Kosovo and “There is a Light inside” by Rea Surroi and Dardan Selimaj also from Kosovo
A theatrical performance “the Girl with the Sun over her Head”
Premiere, by Agnes Nokshiqi and Donikë Ahmeti
After Party with a concert
By FemArt Band – Nita Bahtiri, Njomzë Bislimi, Rabije Krasniqi and Xheneta Durguti
Scenic reading of “Picasso’s Lovers”
By Arbnesha Grabovci – Nixha at Oda Theatre
Two exhibitions premiere “I Wanted to Paint”
By Jana Jakimovska from Macedonia and “Fragile” by Shqipe Mehmeti from Macedonia
Scenic reading of “Picasso’s Lovers”
By Arbnesha Grabovci – Nixha at Oda Theatre
Theatrical performance “Seven Sights”
By Tanja Miletič Orudevič from Mostar Youth Theatre in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Workshop “Empower Her”
For young women by Sara Saljič from Serbia/Bosnia and Herzegovina
Panel discussion “Feminist Role Models”
With two panelists, one from Kosovo – Sevdije Ahmeti and one from Serbia – Ljerka Čurčin, moderated by Sibel Halimi
Workshop “Express Yourself, Don’t Repress Yourself”
By Lura Elezi from Albania
Theatrical performance “Dada – An essay in movement Journalist ”
Premiere, by Sanije Krsmanovič Tasič, Hleb Theatre and Bitef, Serbia
Presentation of two documentary short films: “Architecture of Sadness”
Premiere in Kosovo by Ermela Teli from Albania, and “Songs and Tambourines” by Fatime Kosumi
After party
Performance Poetry and Music
Premiere, by Elina Duni and Besa Myftiu from Switzerland/Kosovo
Performance “BabyAlarm”
Premiere, by Erëmira Çitaku – Flaut and electronic effects
Panel discussion on “International Girl Child Day”
With three panelists: Visare Mujko Nimani, Linda Gusia and Merita Limani
Exhibition, music and poetry “I am”-
Premiere, by five artists from Kosovo: Arlinda Hajrullahu, Blerta Surroi, Burbuqe Berisha, Eliza Hoxha and Mjellma Goranci
Presentation of two documentary short films: “Architecture of Sadness”
Premiere in Kosovo by Ermela Teli from Albania, and “Songs and Tambourines” by Fatime Kosumi
Video presentation of the concept of the FemArt festival
Theatrical performance
“War in Times of Love” by Blerta Neziraj
Workshop “Arts and LGBT”
By Xheni Karaj from Albania
Panel discussion
“My Body, My territory” with two panelists Ivana Smailjanič from Serbia and Valbona Xibri from Italy, moderated by Besa Luci
Writing workshop
“Express Yourself, Don’t Repress Yourself”
After Party
With young artists Vala Mulliqi, Fatjon Myftaraj and Art Lokaj
Theatre Performance
“Cracks are how the Light Gets In” by Deirdre Morris – USA – premiere
Slam Poetry
“Gypsee Yo” by Jonida Beqo from Albania
Premiere exhibition in Kosovo
“Proteine Being, Streile World” by Salome Kokoladze an artist guest from Georgia
Cocktail After Party
With a performance by Ivana Dragsiqi from Macedonia
“Physical Theatre” led by Deirde Morris and Kathryn Mark from USA
Meeting with book author
Flutra Açka from Albania, moderated by Naime Beqiraj
Documentary film “Mission Rape – One War Weapon”
By Annette Mari, Katia Forbert – Petersen guests from Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Great Britain
Panel discussion on “Sexual Violence in Conflicts”
With four panelists Igballe Rogova, Flora Macula, Jeta Krasniqi and Feride Rushiti, moderated by Zana Hoxha
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